Gonna start blogging regularly again
Hey! Summer bresk is around the corner and school is so unnecessary right now! I have nothing to do for 3 hours when my next lesson starts! Anyway, I just went and bought a froosh smoothie and I'm gonna watch netflix but first I'm gonna show you some pictures that you've missed from the past weeks.
A little update
Can seriously now wait until Spain this summer, this is from two years ago.
Heey, the test week is in full swing and I've already finished two tests, religion and physics. I love that we get to have so much free time, I actually kind of like exam weeks because of this, but there is still way too much to learn and that sucks.
Love, Filippa
I need a little break
Hello! The blog has been quiet the last couple of days and will probably stay that way until I get my summer break, see you then!
Love, Filippa
It's been a long day without you my friend and I'll tell you all about it when I see you again

Hello! I almost forgot to blog about my day, I'm guessing it has something to do with having tomorrow off, it's gonna be great. I hope I have time to go and take some pictures with my "real" camera since I've been showing you almost exclusively mobile pics. What's the point of having a separate camera if I don't use it, am I right?
All the pictures are in black&white to reinforce my unhappiness with the weather. But I've actually had a pretty good day despite that, since I have such great friends! After school a whole bunch of us went into town to look around in stores and eat a little snack. Then later on a few of us went to get take-out to bring with us when we went to visit another friend of ours (she isn't in the pictures though) and hang out at her place.
Love, Filippa
Older or nah?
Helloo! I was googling how to make myself look older and I found a tutorial on youtube which I tried. What do you think? The picture to the right is from this weekend and the picture on the left is from today. Do I look any older?
Anyway I'm swamped with school work. And of course I'm ignoring it and blogging instead! Need to get back to work now...
Love, Filippa
Anyway I'm swamped with school work. And of course I'm ignoring it and blogging instead! Need to get back to work now...
Love, Filippa
Long monday
Hello! I'm sitting in school right now, waiting for this day to be over. My Monday school days usually end at 14:30 but since I'm taking a kind of health pass course I have to stay in school until 7. You have to have it to work around food and such stuff in Finland. I'm not sure if that's the kind of area that I want to work in, in the future but it's a good thing to have, especially since we can get it easily and cheap from school. Talk to you later!
Love, Filippa
Love, Filippa
A picture from my favourite city.
Perfect weekend with the #squad

Yesterday I played a couple of lol games, watched that 70's show, filmed a video for today, did some schoolwork and then I went to meet up N and E. We went out longboarding (well I had my penny board ) , we bought some goodies to eat which we did in a big swing (not kidding). Then we went back to N's place and we slept there. Which is why I didn't blog yesterday.
Anyway after we had woken up and gotten ready we went out on another cruise around the block. When I got home I only had time to get my laptop before we drove to see my grandma since it's Mother's day today! I edited my video in the car and now It's being uploaded, so I'll make another post when it's up. Hope you had a great weekend because I sure did!
Love, Filippa

it's Friiiiiiday
Heey! As you probably know, today's Friiiiday! My mood has been up and down today and you can see from the pictures what I've been up to. I went to eat with my friend E after school, and since we're such hipsters I took the picture after we had already eaten our food. It's too mainstream to take a picture of untouched food. Then we went and had a look around the stores. After that I drove home and that's where I am right now. The plans for tonight haven't been decided yet, hope you have a great Friday!
Love, Filippa
Listening to this right now..
Blog reading and stress
Why do people read blogs? Either it's to get information on a specific subject that the blog in questions will answer or that they are nosey. I think a lot of people like to read blogs since you get a lot of information about people without them telling you and without them finding out you know.
I have a lot to do so of course I'm procrastinating, writing a blog post and reading lots of blogs, because I'm nosey.
Love, Filippa
My top study tips
Hello! These next couple of weeks I'll be occupied with school stuff and my posts will probably not be the most interesting. But I thought I'd share some tips that I use to study more efficiently.
Studying is all about finding what works for you. Do you learn by listening? Associating words with pictures ? Writing mind-maps? You need to find out by doing, test out loads of different techniques to work out a study plan for you.
Another super important thing is your environment. You should optimise it to the fullest. If you know that when you're studying at home your sibling is constantly annoying you and trying to get a reaction out of you then you need to find another place to study! Go to a coffeeshop, the local library, your grandma's house, anyplace where you know you can study.
It's hard to find a place that's completely quiet and rid of distractions. But there is a great trick that I always take too: Study music! You probably have no idea what that is and it can really be any music. The biggest criteria for study music is that it shouldn't interfere with your studying. In other words it should be instrumental, if there's lyrics you will get distracted. Classical music is perfect, there's nothing better than revising and listening to Mozart's best hits. But if that's not your thing you can use something else! Go to youtube and type 'study music' you'll find loads!
I'm listening to this right now:
Get creative with your studying, it should be fun! You have a history exam? Watch a documentary! Loads of Spanish words to learn? Use websites like quizlet.com, there are loads of things out there that can help you learn.
Was this helpful?
Love, Filippa
Studying is all about finding what works for you. Do you learn by listening? Associating words with pictures ? Writing mind-maps? You need to find out by doing, test out loads of different techniques to work out a study plan for you.
Another super important thing is your environment. You should optimise it to the fullest. If you know that when you're studying at home your sibling is constantly annoying you and trying to get a reaction out of you then you need to find another place to study! Go to a coffeeshop, the local library, your grandma's house, anyplace where you know you can study.
It's hard to find a place that's completely quiet and rid of distractions. But there is a great trick that I always take too: Study music! You probably have no idea what that is and it can really be any music. The biggest criteria for study music is that it shouldn't interfere with your studying. In other words it should be instrumental, if there's lyrics you will get distracted. Classical music is perfect, there's nothing better than revising and listening to Mozart's best hits. But if that's not your thing you can use something else! Go to youtube and type 'study music' you'll find loads!
I'm listening to this right now:
Get creative with your studying, it should be fun! You have a history exam? Watch a documentary! Loads of Spanish words to learn? Use websites like quizlet.com, there are loads of things out there that can help you learn.
Was this helpful?
Love, Filippa
Coast to Coast USA - Day 4
hellooo! It's time for another part of my coast to coast posts! (That totally rhymed, wow).

First a typical picture of an american hotel breakfast, bagels (yummy), scrambled eggs, a donut (because USA duuuh) and some fruit to make the breakfast a little healthier. // Then we rode the bus back into NYC

First off we visited the 9/11 memorial which was really beautiful and touching. // A picture from a cemetery near the 9/11 memorial, don't know the name of it, but if you do please let me know.

Then we went on the ferry tour of The Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island. Since I had already visited the Statue of Liberty it wasn't a big deal for me but Ellis Island had the best museum ever!!! For a history nerd like me it was heaven.

After that we got some dinner at Schnipper's, which is where I ate the best burger I've ever had!! Then a few of us quickly got some frozen yoghurt from across the street.

To top the evening off I got to see a real broadway musical! The seats were so high up I was physically afraid to fall down and there was this big russian dude in front of me so I couldn't see all that well but it was stil such an amazing experience to see Aladdin in the New Amsterdam Theatre.
This was a great day!
Love, Filippa
Mondays, migraines, self-reflection
the Atlantic Ocean // Gulf of Bothnia // First time in the Pacific Ocean
Last night I couldn't find sleep at all. Nights like those are the ones where I have my bursts of
inspiration and think of great ideas for videos, blog posts, life etc. But of course I eventually fall asleep and forget all about my ideas.
No sleep + stress = migraine. At least for me, that's when my body says I need to take a chill pill and relax. But what you really want to do is power through, especially when there's only four weeks left until summer vacation. But it was definitely necessary for me to stay home today, I would've only gotten worse if I would have gone to school and stressed even more. I still have a throbbing in the head, but I think I'll get lots of assignments done today so being home is actually great for my stress, since I'll have loads off my back.
When I couldn't sleep last night there wasn't only ideas sweeping through my brain but also a lot of self-reflection. Since I overthink everything in my life, I self-reflect automatically quite a lot. And here are a few things I need to work on:
- Be more social. I came to think about that time last summer when I actually started a conversation. On a bus. With a complete stranger. In Finland (!!!!!??). Only people who want to seem crazy/drunk do that. But since I was neither, we actually had a pleasant conversation and I have had no further contact with this person but I still don't regret it in the slightest. I need to do more of this, you never know who you might meet and end up friends with.
- Write better blogposts. I was reading this Swedish blog yesterday and I was amazed. The texts were funny, sooo well-written and I wanted to read more and more, even though there weren't any pictures and usually I hate blogs that don't have pictures accompanying the text. But I came to the realisation that my blog will probably never be as well written as her blog was. Since she was a 30-year-old journalist that wrote in her mother tongue. It is actually harder to write in English than you would think, not that I can't get what I want to be said, said but I just can't make the blogposts flow together and look as nice as I can when I write in Swedish.
- Put more effort into the things I want to succeed with. I want to write a great blog and I want to make amazing youtube videos, I want to have enough time to eat healthy and exercise, I want to get good grades in school and learn a lot, I want to have a fun social life and not loose any friends, I want to be a great pianist and I want to be able to relax and not put too much pressure on myself. But juggling all these factors is really difficult. I just can't succeed at everything and I'll need to prioritise what I deem more important.
Props to anyone who actually read this whole monstrosity. I challenge all of you to self-reflect on what you should put more time and effort into and how you can better yourself and your life. You definitely don't need to write this for the internet to see (unless you want to) there are some things that are better left private.
Love, Filippa
This week's video is a haul! So excited for you guys to see it, hope the audio wasn't too bad? :S
Tell me what you think!
Love, Filippa
Pasta and tumblr photos
Pasta with herb sauce // My beautiful friends (I was supposed to photoshop Jay-Z and Beyoncé into the pic but my friends are so cute I just couldn't)
Today I was treated to N's special pasta dish and it definitely met the sky-high expectations I had. It was a great day all in all and since her apartment is so tumblrish that's the kind of pictures I have to offer for you guys.
Tomorrow is video day so see you soon.
Love, Filippa
1st of May

Happy first of May everybody!
Yesterday turned out to be really fun with some great company. Today I woke up at about 11 and started getting ready to go into town, which I did later on. As usual there was a market in town where they sold knick-knacks, sweets and cotton candy! After spending some time buying stuff I went to Strampen, which is a restaurant where my family eats every first of May. The food was delicious but not as good as it's been before.
Done with eating and feeling as full as a thick and ready to die is the mood of the day. The choice for now is to either take a nap or watch that 70's show, we'll see what happens.
Love, Filippa
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